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разные публикации, Бонд 26 и прочее...

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Высшая степень мазохизма (кмк) - звать человека на все мероприятия, включая предстоящее шоу с Брайном Коксом, но не давать ему писать музыку для полноценного фильма. :fpalm:

Это я к тому, что Дэвид Арнольд вроде как написал заглавную тему и для предстоящего шоу 007: Road to a Million...

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8 минут назад, Barry Fan сказал:

Высшая степень мазохизма (кмк) - звать человека на все мероприятия, включая предстоящее шоу с Брайном Коксом, но не давать ему писать музыку для полноценного фильма.

Поправлю "Садизма" 

Мазохистом, в вашем тексте представлен Арнольд

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Просто Варя уволила братьев флемингов, а с ChatGPT еще не до конца разобралась… ну и ждет развития deepfake чтобы можно было снимать кого угодно, но с лицом Крейга 

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Кстати, сам написал про нейросеть - сам решил использовать.

Задача нейросети была сформулированна так: используя описание развязки сюжета фильма NTTD и сюжетного описания книг Человек с золотым пистолетом и Полковник Сун, а также заголовков политических новостей британской прессы за период с 2022 по 2023 годы создать расширенный синопсис сценария нового фильма о Джеймсе Бонде.



Title: "007: Reawakening Shadows"


"007: Reawakening Shadows" is an action-packed spy thriller that picks up the story of James Bond, who was presumed dead after a missile attack on a secret biological weapons production facility. Bond, however, miraculously survived but lost his memory in the process.

The movie begins with Bond being captured in neutral waters by Russian sailors and subsequently undergoing extensive plastic surgery to restore his face. Additionally, his body undergoes gene replacement therapy to enhance his physical capabilities. To further manipulate Bond, his consciousness is placed in deep hypnosis, and he is programmed with ideas of revenge terrorism, targeting the political leadership of Great Britain during their visit to Ukraine.

Bond's new mission as an unwitting terrorist assassin leads to his arrest in Ukraine during an assassination attempt on the British Prime Minister. He is then returned to London, where he is identified as Agent 007, who was previously presumed dead. As he undergoes rehabilitation and grapples with the foggy memories of his true identity, Bond is determined to unravel the mystery surrounding his transformation and find those responsible.

Assigned to investigate a terrorist attack against the British ambassador in Cyprus, Bond comes face to face with Colonel Sun, a Chinese intelligence colonel with a sinister plan to create tension in Europe. Colonel Sun aims to destabilize the region, ultimately pushing NATO countries Turkey and Greece into an internecine military conflict, dragging in Great Britain and the United States.

While Bond faces off against Colonel Sun, he receives crucial assistance from an sexual and deadly employee of the NATO joint intelligence headquarters of Polish origin and retired Greek military personnel. Together, they work to thwart Colonel Sun's plan and expose the involvement of Russian intelligence, which seeks to prevent NATO military assistance to Ukraine.

As the action intensifies, Bond's true identity and mission slowly become clear. He must race against time to prevent a catastrophic war and stop Colonel Sun's nefarious plot. In the explosive climax, Bond faces off with Colonel Sun and his newfound ally, a South African crime syndicate.

In a heart-pounding showdown, Bond manages to save the day, neutralizing the threat and exposing the conspiracy that nearly plunged Europe into chaos. Because the biological weapon Hercules threat eliminated through gene therapy, Bond is finally reunited with his wife, Madeleine, and daughter, Matilda.

However, Colonel Sun survives, and the film ends with him plotting his revenge against 007, enlisting the help of a South African crime syndicate led by Francisco, setting the stage for an intriguing sequel. "007: Reawakening Shadows" is a thrilling addition to the James Bond franchise, blending espionage, action, and intrigue in the world of international espionage.


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2 минуты назад, Vlego сказал:

Reawakening Shadows

Запатентуйте название, а то украдут сами знаете кто (здесь нужен фотосмайл с мордаусом Варвары Альбертовны).

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Все украдут. Тем более на их "вражеском" языке написано! 

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Южно-африканский преступный синдикат!  ВОТЭТОПОВОРОТ!

Вы заметили, что ИИ тоже склонен размазывать сюжет на несколько фильмов? Пропал кинематограф…


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Названа настоящая причина переноса сроков начала работы над новым фильмом про Бонда (рабочее название - Бонд-26).

Нейросеть украла практически готовый сценарий братьев Флемингов, выложила его в эти ваши интернеты, так еще и выдала его за свой!

Ученые в шоке, Майкл Уилсон в шоке, Барбара Брокколи рыдает (и тоже в шоке).

Подробности в следующем номере нашей газеты!!

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Продолжил баловаться с нейросеткой и принес вам сценарий Бонда 27.

Задание нейросети было сформулировано так: составить расширенный синопсис сценария нового фильма об агенте 007, используя информацию из предыдущего сценария, описаний романов "Человек с золотым пистолетом" и "Брильянты навсегда" и рассказа "Собственность леди", а также заголовков британской прессы за 2022-2023 годы.



Title: 007: The property of Lady


After the tumultuous events of the previous mission, James Bond has settled into domestic life in London, living with his wife Madeleine and their daughter Matilda. Yet, the internal contradictions of his life force him into a constant, agonizing choice between family and service.

Simultaneously, the British government grows increasingly alarmed about counterfeit diamonds and gold bars from African conflict zones flooding the global market. M, head of MI6, suspects the South African syndicate's involvement in this smuggling operation.

Bond's newfound routine is abruptly shattered when an assassination attempt targets him while he's with his family while visiting a diamond auction. Although Bond  unharmed, he's forced to kill his assailant. The attacker is later identified as a South African mercenary affiliated with a notorious crime syndicate.

In a bid to uncover the truth, Bond heads into a perilous conflict zone in an unnamed African country, intent on tracking the supply chain of these counterfeit diamonds and gold. However, things take a treacherous turn when Bond's plane is attacked and crashes. Stranded in the heart of the African conflict, he finds himself caught in a power struggle between the South African crime syndicate and a Russian private military company vying for control of valuable resources.

Bond, known for his allegiance to neither side, is eventually captured by the Russians. During his captivity, he learns of their audacious plan to foment rebellion in Moscow, funded by the illegal diamond trade. Bond also discovers that this smuggling operation is not the work of the Russians.

Behind the smuggling of gold and diamonds stands Francisco Scaramanga, a brutal mercenary notorious for dispatching his victims with a golden pistol. Scaramanga's syndicate is involved in nefarious activities such as illegal mining with slave labor, human trafficking, and illegal organ transplants. This criminal network also maintains a sinister alliance with Chinese intelligence, providing security services to Chinese government companies operating in Africa.

The Russians supply Bond with weapons, striking an agreement for him to eliminate Scaramanga. However, as Bond's car is ambushed by the syndicate's mercenaries, his severely wounded body is rescued by local militias opposing Scaramanga's organization and taken to their makeshift hospital.

In the hospital, Bond encounters Mary Goodnight, a former MI6 doctor turned Red Cross doctor. Together with the militia, they launch a daring assault on the syndicate's stronghold. It's during this operation that Bond uncovers the syndicate's larger plans, including Colonel Sun's intention to carry out economic sabotage against the British government and, more alarmingly, a plot to sink British warships by infiltrating a merchant ship with a nuclear charge – a move designed to weaken Allied forces before a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Amidst an impromptu duel, Bond succeeds in eliminating Scaramanga, but Colonel Sun manages to escape. Bond, along with Mary Goodnight, makes their way back to London on a Red Cross plane.

With a sense of urgency, Bond leads a British special forces team in a daring mission to intercept the merchant ship carrying the nuclear warhead. Colonel Sun, already in dire condition from a previous encounter with Bond, is onboard and determined to carry out his plan. However, Bond and the British special forces capture the ship, neutralizing Sun and disabling the nuclear charge.

Returning to London, Bond receives the devastating news that the syndicate's mercenaries have killed his beloved wife Madeleine. He mourns her loss at her funeral, standing alongside his daughter Matilda. In his grief, Bond finds solace and support in Mary Goodnight, as he continues to serve his country and confront the ever-present dangers that come with the life of a secret agent.

У меня остается один вопрос:

Barbie, where's my money?

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"Собственность леди" мне понравился больше

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Одновременно объявлен новый Бонд: им станет Дюгрей Скотт. Роль девушки Бонда исполнит Михалина Ольшаньска.

Продюссер франшизы Варвара Альбертовна сообщает, что утечки от имени нейросети не должны нанести ущерба производству фильма, но во избежание дальнейших спекуляций на тему студия пошла на беспрецедентные меры и обнародует часть данных, державшихся до сих пор в секрете.

В частности, были опубликованы скетчи комик-стрипов будущего фильма, действие которого будет происходить в Греции, на Кипре и в Лондоне:








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А они с ним точно успеют фильм снять (такими-то темпами)? Ему уж 57 лет!! Пока снимут, уже пора нового подбирать.

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47 минут назад, Barry Fan сказал:

А они с ним точно успеют фильм снять (такими-то темпами)? Ему уж 57 лет!! Пока снимут, уже пора нового подбирать.

Варвара Альбертовна анонсировала, что братья флемингки вышли на небывалые темпы, и уже родили ТАКОЕ количество материала, что теперь новые фильмы о Бонде будут сниматься без остановки, а периодичность выхода в прокат будет раз в год. "Мы вернемся к старым традициям фильмов про 007, сохранив все наследие, которое было создано за эти годы".

И опять сенсация: в сеть "утекла" информация о сценарии 28го фильма об агенте 007!!!11


Title: "007: Battlefields for the Crown"


The film opens with James Bond retired from active service, now offering consulting to private security agents worldwide. He's enjoying a blend of work and leisure on the Italian Riviera, accompanied by his daughter Matilda and his friend Mary Goodnight. During a casino visit, Bond confronts Maxwell Lohn, an arrogant American billionaire with a fascination for space and AI technologies. Bond uncovers Lohn's cheating but opts not to expose him, instead winning a considerable sum of money through his card tricks.

Bond's peaceful life takes a sharp turn when he learns about an attack on a British company he was advising, resulting in the destruction of valuable fertilizers that threaten the UK's food security. As he investigates, Bond discovers that a global agricultural crisis is brewing, attributed to new super fungi, severe droughts, and other environmental challenges.

At a government council meeting convened by M, Bond encounters Lohn once again. Lohn promises increased investment in his British projects and reveals his upcoming satellite network for monitoring global forestry and agriculture. M provides Bond with Lohn's background: he studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, founded his first business at 16, tech-savvy billionaire investing in various projects, including aiding war veterans and educational institutions, factories for the production of new types of transport, and also owns popular social networks.

Bond receives an invitation to Lohn's satellite network presentation in Switzerland, coinciding with Matilda's school trip. His daughter Matilda is studying at the Maxwell-sponsored Woldingham School for girls, and their students are going to Switzerland for a holiday in the Alps. Tragedy strikes when Mary is injured in a skiing "accident" and ends up in a coma. A Swiss investigator informs Bond that Mary's injury was deliberate, prompting Bond's suspicion. He leaves Mary and heads to Lohn's presentation.

At the event in Locarno, Bond discovers Lohn's excessive security and learns about his army of former British soldiers with advanced implants and prosthetics. Security discovers the Bond, detains him and brings him to Maxwell. After the presentation, Lohn reveals his shocking plans: he orchestrated the global agricultural crisis in agriculture around the world are his doing. He manipulated shares of agricultural companies on the stock exchanges to earn money for investments in his projects, but can turn the situation in the other direction, since he has an antidote to the new superbugs, which he developed with them. And his new development is to implant, suppressing the will and having the ability to suggest by influencing the brain in a state of sleep. He plans to introduce it to children studying in elite schools in order to manipulate the future elite of countries. Matilda's class are the first test subjects to be tested on. Maxwell's goal is total control over the politics and population of the planet for the unification of humanity and the subsequent development of space colonization. Bond is horrified by what he hears.

Lohn captures Bond, but he escapes, hijacks Lohn's helicopter, and rushes to save Matilda and her classmates. Meanwhile, Lohn's forces pursue him, leading to an intense chase and confrontation. Bond manages to evacuate the children. However, when he arrives to the clinic in Zurich, he learns that Mary has been kidnapped. Maxwell leaves Bond a message that says that if Bond contacts the authorities, Mary will be killed. Lohn warns that Mary's life is at stake if Bond contacts the authorities.

Bond turns to his friend Felix Leiter for assistance. With a team of operatives, Bond launches on paragliders an assault on Lohn's Nevada facility, seizing samples of the super fungi antidote and destroying critical servers. However, Lohn escapes in a high-speed underground train.

Returning to London, Bond briefs M and the Prime Minister about Lohn's true intentions, revealing the billionaire's disappearance. M invites Bond to return to active service, but Bond refuses the offer: he and Mary plan to get married.

The film concludes with Bond and Mary's wedding in a Scottish church. They set off on their honeymoon to France while Matilda returns to school. While driving through the Eurotunnel, Bond's car suddenly stops. Bond goes out to check the car, but at this time the car locks all the doors and windows and automatically drives away with Mary inside. The car is remotely controlled by Maxwell Lohn. The car accelerates and crashes into a moving heavy truck at high speed, killing Mary. The grief-stricken Bond is in apathy and does not react to the doctors and police around him. This is the last scene of the film, leaving an unfinished ending. Bond is left in deep grief and shock as the film ends.


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1 час назад, Ian Lemming сказал:

Когда там уже Джина с Кейтом Тиммонсом появятся?

Всё, всё, подурачились и хватит

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2 часа назад, Ian Lemming сказал:

Когда там уже Джина с Кейтом Тиммонсом появятся?

Бонд 229:

в предыдущих сериях: Жади уходит от Лукаса…

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Адальберто признается М, что ее ребенок не от него...

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2 часа назад, Vlego сказал:

Всё, всё, подурачились и хватит

А я уже жду Бонд 29 от вашей нейросети. И забыл актуальный читаемый роман Бенсона. 

Не останавливаетесь. Приключения Бонда и Матильды должны продолжатся

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45 минут назад, Novichok сказал:

А я уже жду Бонд 29 от вашей нейросети. И забыл актуальный читаемый роман Бенсона. 

Не останавливаетесь. Приключения Бонда и Матильды должны продолжатся

Мне самому понравилась последняя компиляция MR+OHMSS, да и с каждым новым запросом ChatGPT 4 «умнел» (ну или я писал более качественный промпт). Но пошутили и хватит.

Зато увидели наглядно, что отмазки сценаристов «мы не пишем потому что не знаем что мог бы сделать Бонд в современном мире» - мягко скажем так себе.

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Нет даешь Бонд 29

Только минимум не надо что бы он основывался на каких то новых не использованных им романах Флеминга. Пусть уже на основе тех которые были в предыдущих запросах. В идиале самостоятельное продолжение своего Бонд 28 в Бонде 29.

Требую продолжения банкета! 

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я нахожу эти творения нейросети ОЧЕНЬ ТРЕВОЖНЫМ и безусловно ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНЫМ явлением, и не читаю их из принципа.

как и картины, созданные неуросетью.  



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сейчас где-то по дождем заплакал семилетний Рой Батти

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10 часов назад, Novichok сказал:

Нет даешь Бонд 29

Только минимум не надо что бы он основывался на каких то новых не использованных им романах Флеминга. Пусть уже на основе тех которые были в предыдущих запросах. В идиале самостоятельное продолжение своего Бонд 28 в Бонде 29.

Требую продолжения банкета! 

Пробовал - получается какая-то шляпа невнятная. Все-таки нейросеть неплохо компилирует, но не придумывает.

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В новом фильме Бонду надо бороться с некросетью и ИИ

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